

Rajeev Chandrasekhar
Member of Parliament
Elected to the Rajya Sabha from Karnataka in May 2006, Rajeev Chandrasekhar has been an active MP from Karnataka intervening in numerous issues and frequently issues related to Bengaluru, Karnataka and strongly advocating for Governance Reforms, Institution Building and National Security and Welfare of the Armed Forces Personnel.

Rajeev’s interventions – on the Floor of Parliament and outside – not only raised awareness of the issues affecting the nation, but importantly succeeded in making an impact on Government’s decision making.

Here is a summary of Rajeev’s interventions.

Parliamentary Performance | Championing the Cause of Bangalore / Karnataka | National Security and Welfare of Armed Forces Personnel |
Governance Reforms | Puplic Assets & Revenus | Other Initiatives | Puplic Service | Letters | Photo Gallery | Newspaper Clips |

Atomic Energy
Chemicals & Fertilizers
Civil Aviation
Commerce & Industry
Communications & IT
Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Corporate Affairs
Development of North East Region
Environment & Forests
External Affairs
Food Processing Industries
Health and Family Welfare
Home Affairs
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
Human Resource Development
Information and Broadcasting
Labour and Employment
Law & Justice
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Minority Affairs
New and Renewable Energy
Overseas Indian Affairs
Panchayati Raj
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Petroleum and Natural Gas
Road Transport and Highways
Rural Development
Science and Technology
Shipping, Road Transport and Highways
Social Justice and Empowerment
Tribal Affairs
Urban Development
Water Resources
Women and Child Development
Youth affairs and Sports
Question Asked: 706
      Mining in Karnataka:     Impact:
  Much before illegal iron ore mining became an issue of debate and controversies, Rajeev in 2006, raised this issue with the Chief Minister of Karnataka and argued for the Comprehensive policy/framework for regulating mining in the country, that benefits the states and the citizens and followed this up by rising questions in parliament and writing to the Hon’ble Minister of Mines.
  Rajeev’s Persistence on this issue yielded result in 2010when Chief Minister of Karnataka took decision to ban exports of iron ore from Karnataka and put to an end the illegal exports that were harming the interest of the state.
      Backing citizen’s fight against injustice:     Impact:
  Acting on a plea for help from a citizen who complained about negligence by a corporate hospital resulting in the death of his spouse who was a patient, Rajeev wrote to the Chief Minister of Karnataka and Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad demanding an enquiry and appropriate action in the matter.
  Rajeev’s push for action resulted in the Karnataka Government initiating an enquiry and later accepting and acting on the findings of the Lok Ayukta Report on the issue – by way of suspension of the hospital’s license and initiating criminal proceedings against the erring doctors.
      Fire safety Guidelines in high rise buildings:     Impact:
  Responding to a fire tragedy that took place in a high-rise building (Carlton Towers) that took several lives, Rajeev wrote to the Karnataka Chief Minister on 25 February 2010recommending an urgent review of civil defence preparedness and equipment for Fire and Emergency Services and asking for Fire Safety Audit guidelines in high rise buildings to avoid such incidents. He followed this up by backing a PIL on the issue.
  The Karnataka High Court ordered the Government to draft the safety guidelines which the Government drafted and notified, much to the relief of citizens of Bangalore.
      Blue Print for Bangalore :     Impact:
  Rajeev raised the need for a vision for Bangalore and long term integrated plan for the development of the city. As the Convenor of the Agenda for Bengaluru Infrastructure and Development (ABIDe) Task Force, Rajeev authored planBengaluru2020 – a Vision Document and a blue print for the development of the city to make Bengaluru a world-class metropolis.
  This document was much appreciated for its vision and planning. The Karnataka Government has accepted the report and promised its implementation.
      Uncontrolled Commercial Development in
    Residential Area:
  Responding to the complaints of the residents and citizens of Bangalore about the impact of rampant, uncontrolled and unfettered commercial development in residential areas, which poses dangers and inconveniences to the residents, Rajeev first took up the issue through a letter to the then Chief Minister in May 2007, urging the Government to take cognizance of the residents’ concerns while finalizing the CDP for Bangalore. In December 2009, he reiterated this through another letter to the then Chief Minister Shri B. S. Yedddurappa and Hon’ble Minister of Urban Development Shri. Suresh Kumar, urging an immediate review of CDP 2015to ensures that commercial Development in residential areas are halted, and if permitted, only done with the express involvement and consent of the residents of those areas.
  Acting on Rajeev’s letter, the Government instituted a Committee under a former Chief Secretary of Karnataka which in its findings, criticized intrusion of commercial activity into residential zones. A PIL was subsequently filed in the High Court based on this Committee’s findings and the Court, in January 2011, gave a verdict in favor of the petitioners, ordering the stay of all commercial activities in residential areas.
      Better Internal Security:     Impact:
  As the head of the FICCI Task Force on National Security and Terrorism that consisted of senior security professionals, Rajeev presented a report on internal security.
  Many recommendations made in the report have been accepted and implemented by the Government, including that of establishing a National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) to counter terror threats.
      Construction of National Military
    Memorial to honor martyrs:
  Rajeev urged the Karnataka Government to build a Military Memorial to honour the martyrs of the nation. He also sent a proposal to the Defence Minister with designs for a National War Memorial to be built in Delhi.
  Rajeev’s effort and initiatives convinced the Karnataka Government and Independent India’s first Military Memorial being built in Bangalore. The government of India is also now planning to build a National war memorial and war museum in new Delhi to salute our post-1947 martyrs.
      Frisking of Service Chief at airports:     Impact:
  Rajeev wrote to the Defence Minister demanding an exemption for the three Service Chiefs of the nation from security procedures (including frisking) at the airports in line with the treatment given to the Ministers and senior bureaucrats.
  Rajeev’s intervention resulted in the Government changing the rules accordingly.
      Building of Border Roads to augment
    military capabilities:
  Rajeev wrote to the Defence Minister drawing his attention to media reports about the unpreparedness of the Indian Army and India’s poor border road connectivity, especially in view of China aggressively building up connectivity on the border and strengthening its capabilities. He also raised this issue through a question and Special Mention in the Parliament and urged Government to take immediate action in this regard.
  In response to Rajeev’s Parliamentary Question, the Defence Minister acknowledged the delay in the construction of strategic border roads and assured the House that all strategic border roads would get completed by 2016.
      One Rank, One Pension and other issues
    concerning armed forces personnel:
  Rajeev relentlessly pursued the issue of One Rank, One Pension (OROP) for Armed Forces personnel in parliament and outside for the past several years. Rajeev raised this issue by writing several letters to the PM, Defence Minister and other senior members of the Government, garnering support from the MPs of different parties and repeatedly raising the issue in the parliament.

In August 2010, Rajeev refused to accept the 200% salary hike given to MPs, unless the Government considered the OROP demand of the Armed Forces veterans and followed that with getting support for the OROP from Chief Minister and Governors of several states and putting pressure on the Centre to act on granting OROP.

Rajeev also organized veterans and civil society members to take up the issue through a petition to the committee on petitions, Rajya Sabha in October 2010. Rajeev’s persistent efforts on the issue yielded result when the Committee accepted the petition.
  The Committee on Petitions, Rajya Sabha conducted a detailed hearing on the matter by inviting citizens’ groups, Ex-servicemen and Government to depose and express their views on OROP. The Committee, in its report tabled in the parliamention 19th December 2011, has recommended the immediate implementation of OROP and constitution of a separate commission to determine pay and other service conditions and benefits of armed forces.
      2G Spectrum Scam:     Impact:
  Rajeev was one of the first MPs to forewarm the PM about the malfeasance in the allocation of 2G spectrum back in 2007 and followed up that initial red flag with consistent and relentless exposure of the irregularities.
  Rajeev’s efforts resulted in action by the Government when the 2G spectrum scam was unearthed in November 2010. Rajeev’s detailed and forceful interventions ensured that the focus remained on the scam. Rajeev’s stance has been validated by the recent Supreme Court Judgment on 2G issues dated 02 February, 2012, which has declared the 122 licenses and subsequent spectrum allocated to licensees in 2008, as illegal and quashed them accordingly.
      Support for Lokpal Bll:     Impact:
  At the height of Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption in August this year, Rajeev was the first MP in India to submit the Jan Lokpal Bill for a discussion / debate in Parliament.
  When it was reported in media that Rajeev’s Private Member’s Bill on Jan Lokpal Bill was pending with the vice Chairman of the Rajya Sabha,hundreds of Citizens sent letters / emails to Vice Chairman urging him to support Rajeev’s initiative to introduce the Jan Lokpal Bill in Parliament. This sent into motion hectic activity and pressure on Government to refer the Bill to a Standing Committee.
      Financial irregularities by CGSI:     Impact:
  Rajeev raised the issue of inflated bills and financial irregularities by the Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI) related to various programmes that it conducts on behalf of SEBI.
  Rajeev’s intervention prompted SEBI it initiate stepped to be more vigilant about the actions of CGSI that costs public money.
      Deteriorating Financial situation of BSNL:     Impact:
  Rajeev wrote to the Prime Minister in December 2009, pointing out the deteriorating financial situation and abysmal state of affairs of BSNL, a navratna PSU, and outlining specific measures to curb any further decline of BSNL and prevent it from going the Air India way. He strongly urged the Government to intervene on the matter.
  Taking note of Rajeev’s letter, the Prime Minister took action and convened a meeting in January 2010 with the Telecom Ministry to discuss and resolve the issues plaguing BSNL.
      Introduction of a more credible and
    comprehensive Consumer Price Index (CPI):
  Back in 2008, Rajeev wrote to the then Finance Minister, Shri. Chidambaram, pointing out that the WPI figures are not accurate representation of reality, and that CPI is a more reliable and comprehensive indicator of inflation in terms of coverage of goods and services relevant to the given section of the community. He urged for the introduction of a more credible and comprehensive CPI to better reflects the real costs to the common consumers, who are the worst hit from the rise in inflation.
  The Government has recently compiled and released a new series of CPI, which came into operation in February 2012, and is more broad-based with wider coverage.
      Allocation of Spectrum:     Impact:
  Rajeev demanded and relentlessly pursued the need for open, transparent auctions for allocation of all spectrums since 2007, including 2G and 3G – which was sought to be given away to only existing operators, by repeatedly raising the issue in parliament and writing letters to the PM.
  Rajeev’s initiatives ultimately made the Government give up the First Come, First Served Policy (used by the former Telecom Minister to give away precious Spectrum in 2008 at 2001 prices) and agree for auctions of 3G and BWA spectrum – which yielded 0ver Rs. 100, 000crores in revenue to the national exchequer. His demand for auction / tender process for allocation of scarce spectrum have also been upheld in the recent Supreme Court Judgment on 2G issues dated 02 February, 2012 and has found its way into the draft National Telecom Policy 2012.
      Prevented loss of royalty to Government exchequer:     Impact:
  Rajeev urged the Petroleum Ministry to renegotiate the unfair royalty payment structure between Caim India, which had decided to sell out to Vedanta and ONGC. On 26 November 2010, he wrote to the Petroleum Minister, pointing out that since Caim India’s Rajasthan oil blocks were fully producing oil blocks, there was no need for its state owned partner – ONGC – to solely pay the royalty to the Government.
  Rajeev’s intervention resulted in successful resolution of the issue, where the Government, while clearing the Caim-Vedanta deal, put the onus of royalty payment on the new private sector buyer.
      Pushing Government to take serious note and action
    to improve health of Public Sector Banks:
  Rajeev urged the Government to look into the worsening situation of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of Public Sector Banks, which increased by an unprecedented 20% - the highest slippage in several years. He raised this issue in Parliament through questions and other interventions, pointing out that one of the reasons for the rise in NPAs was the Phenomenon of Corporate Debt Restructing of private companies that are defaulting on their loans, by Public Sector Banks.
  Rajeev’s claims have been validated by the intelligence Bureau who, in a letter to the PM recently, has warned that the proportion of bad loans on the books of Indian banks could jump from 5% to 10% of their total loans in the next one year mainly on account of restructured loans. As a result of Rajeev’s interventions, the Finance Ministry took appropriate remedial measures. The finance ministry is now pushing capital-strapped public sector banks to hasten recovery of bad loans to improve health, and has also promised to fill vacancies at debt recovery tribunal (DRT) across the nation. The instructions are to review all the cases pending above two years and clear them by March 2012.
      Strongly opposed use of Taxpayer money for
    bailing out private companies:
  Timely intervention by Rajeev prevented Public Money to be used by bail out Private Sector Companies. He urged the Prime Minister to review his response that steps would be taken to help the private sector entities if they get into difficulties.
  Rajeev’s argument received wide support and the Government dropped its move to bail out private sector companies using taxpayer money..
      Honoring Noor Inayat Khan
  Rajeev raised a question in parliament and also wrote to the Defence Minister in August 2006 drawing his attention to the heroism and sacrifice of Noor Inayat Khan, the first who have landed in an enemy territory of occupied France in World War ll and urged the Government to recognize her bravery and sacrifice, by instituting an award in her name. Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, the then External Affairs Minister, paid homage to Noor Inayat’s memorial, as a consequence.  
      Making Parliamentary Proceedings Public
  Way back in 2008, Rajeev was one of the first MPs to strongly advocate for making proceedings of Parliamentary Standing Committee meetings public to enhance transparency - an issue that caught the imagination of the nation and became even more relevant to the media during Anna Team’s parleys with the Union Government.  
      Advocating increased Independence for CAG
  Recognizing the importance of increasing independence of the CAG, in 2008 - before the institution of CAG became a household name for exposing the losses due to 2G Spectrum allocations - Rajeev introduced a Private Members Bill in Parliament demanding independence and more powers for CAG - a demand that was supported by the Media, Parliamentarians and Citizens across the nation in 2011.  
      Forewarning Economic Crisis
  Rajeev forewarned about the economic crisis / slowdown in his speech duringthe discussion on the Union Budget in Parliament on 14 March, 2008. Also as President FICCI, he made several representations to the PM and policymakers in this regard.  
      Strengthening of TRAI
  Rajeev has consistently advocated for a review of the functioning / performance of the TRAI and lacunae in the TRAI Act - urging for an amendment to the TRAI Act to ensure its accountability to the parliament and to further strengthen its power and independence. He wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Parliamentary standing committee on IT and has also raised several questions in Parliament on this issue. The recent Supreme Court judgment cancelling 122 licenses of telecom operators reinforced the urgent need for strengthening independent regulators such as TRAI.  
      Parliament Focus on Poverty
  Through letters to the PM and other prominent leaders in the Parliament, Rajeev strongly advocated for Special Sessions in Parliament to debate and resolve National Priority Issues, such as Poverty, on a non-partisan basis. Rajeev received overwhelming support from citizens across the country as well as several MPs in this regard.  
      Getting Government & Industry together on Governance Reforms
  As an advocate of Governance reforms, when he took over as the FICCI President in 2009, Rajeev took the lead and initiated a series of Seminars on Governance Reforms. This included a Conference on Administrative Reforms and Ethics in Governance which brought the Government and Industry together on the same platform.  
      Appointment of Chief of Defence Staff
  Rajeev also took up the issue of the appointment of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) in Parliament, to deliver single-point military advice to the Government and fasten the pace and quality of military reforms in the country - a recommendation of an empowered group of Ministers that has been pending for over a decade. In July 2011, the Government appointed a committee to review defence reforms in India including the needed for CDS.  

Villagers in Shirabadagi living in temporarily shelter in unhygienic conditions post the floods in 2009.
  In October 2009, Karnataka witnessed one of the worst floods in several decades that battered the state for nearly one week and caused heavy damage to lives and properties in several districts of Northern and Coastal parts of Karnataka. With hundreds of people losing their lives and lakhs rendered homeless by these floods. Bagalkot district was among the worst affected.  

In October 2009, Karnataka
witnessed one of the worst
floods in several decades
causing heavy damage to lives
and properties in several
districts of Northern and
Coastal parts of Karnataka.
Faced with a gigantic
humanitarian crisis and an
immediate task of providing
permanent shelter and
rehabilitation to the flood-
affected families, a PPP
initiative – Aasare
(meaning Helping Hand) was
constituted by the
Government of Karnataka and
Rajeev Chandrasekhar was
appointed as the Coordinator.
He has successfully
channelized the interest and
donation from corporate and
nearly 50,000 houses were
constructed as a result.
Through his
Rajeev Chandrashekhar
constructed 293 houses in
Shribadagi in Badami taluk in
Bagalkot district.

Shirabadagi village residents stand outside her house destroyed by floods pleading for help.
  Faced with a gigantic humanitarian crisis and an immediate task of providing permanent shelter and rehabilitation to the flood- affected families, a PPP initiative - Aasare (meaning Helping Hand) was constituted by the Government of Karnataka.  

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, MP with the Union Chief Minister P. C. Chidambaram and the then Karnataka CM Yeddurappa during ground breaking ceremony at Shirabadagi village for houses on November 02, 2009
  Rajeev Chandrasekhar was appointed as the Coordinator to channelize the interests and donation from corporate to build the houses. Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar succeeded in roping more than 50 corporate who committed to build 80,000 houses for the flood-affected families. Of his, more than 50,000 houses have been constructed.  

Aerial view of the houses built by Rajeev Chandrasekhar Foundation in Shirabadagi village, Bagalkot district in Karnataka
  Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar’s own foundation “RC Foundation” adopted 3 villages and committed to build 1000 houses. On November 02, 2009, the Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram performed the Bhoomi Pooja for “Aasare” at Shribadagi in Badami taluk in Bagalkot district.  

    The Flags of Honour Foundation (FOH):
Rajeev Chandrasekhar is the Founder Chairman of Flags of Honour Foundation that endeavors to be a platform and a bridge between the citizens who seek to help and the martyr’s families. The Foundation hopes to ensure that the families of the martyrs must never endure alone and attempts to be the beacon of hope and inspiration for all citizens to join hands in saluting our heroes through their family. The Foundation identifies the need and requirements of these families and effectively route financial, social, material support and strives to keep the memory of the fallen heroes alive to inspire future generations.
    The Rajeev Chandrasekhar Foundation (RCF):
Rajeev Chandrasekhar Foundation (RCF) is a charitable institution founded by Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar and supports education to children and awards scholarships to meritorious students passing out from municipal schools in Bangalore. RCF has also built and handed over more than 400 houses for the flood hit people in Bagalkot district in Karnataka and in the temple town of Mantralayam in Andhra Pradesh.
    Namma Bengaluru Foundation:
Rajeev Chandrasekhar Foundation supports many organizations in Bangalore including Namma Bengaluru Foundation (NBF) –a people centric, solutions driven organization that works with citizens, RWAs and Government for a Better Bengaluru. Guided by three principles Advocacy, Partnership and Activism, NBF takes up and addresses various Problems faced by Bengaluru and its citizens. Namma Bengaluru Awards, an initiative of NBF, is one of the most prestigious awards presented annually to citizens / organizations for their self-less and extra ordinary contributions to the city.

"Let me compliment you on your very well argued speech on the flood situation in the country."

- Shri. L. K. Advani

"Thank you for your letter to update on the construction of the National Military Memorial Park in Bengaluru. I am happy to learn that this is nearing completion. We are proud of the traditions, the role and the sacrifices of our men in uniform. This park will honor them and enable our people to appreciate what the men and women in the military have done for our country."

- Shrimati. Sonia Gandhi

“I acknowledge receipt of the compilation of questions raised, ministry wise, during the Parliamentary session. I appreciate this initiative and hope that the compilation will be useful reference.”

- Shri. Pranb Mukherjee

“I was very happy to read your thoughtful remarks while intervening in the debate in parliament on the flood situation.”

- Shri. P Chidambaram

“Thank you for sending me compilation of questions raised by you in parliament sessions. The voluminous collection shows efforts you have put in to raise relevant issues in Parliament. This compilation shall be of great use to young MPs to study and learn. I am sure you shall continue to work with same zeal and commitment in future.”

- Shri. Nitin Gadkari

Rajeev Chandrasekhar seen with students of the Government High School, Shivajinagar, Bengaluru after inaugurating the new block of building built under his MPLAD Funds. 3rd November, 2009.

View of the building block of Government High School, Shivajinagar, Bengaluru

HH Sri Suyateendra Threertha of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt, Mantralaya honoured Rajeev Chandrasekhar, in recognition for his social service and support in conservation of Vedic Literature. 29th February, 2012.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar seen with the students of Governments High School, Uttarahalli, Bengaluru after inaugurating the new block of building built under his MPLAD Funds. 25th June, 2011.

Param Vir Chakra Shaheed Abdul Hameed memorial at his native village Dhampur in Ghazipur district, UP - which was in state of neglect, was repaired and restored ahead of Abdul Hameed’s death anniversary by Flags of Honour Foundation. 10th September, 2011.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar submits PlanBengaluru2020 - Blueprint for development of Bangalore - to Chief Minister B.S. Yeddurappa. 15th January, 2010
“Citizens should play an important role in the development of Bengaluru.”

- 1st February 2010, Bengaluru

Bengaluru celebrates its heroes at glittering Namma Bengaluru Awards event.

- Times of India
- 10th February 2011, Bengaluru

Independent MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar topped in overall performance.

- Deccan chronicle
- 17th February 2012, Bengaluru

Flags of Honour for the forgotten heroes.

- Deccan chronicle
- 3rd September 2011, Bengaluru

Rajeev Chandrasekhar donates Rs 50 lakhs from MPLADs funds to build a new building for Government school in Uttarahalli, Bengaluru.

- Indian Express
- 25th June 2011, Bengaluru
Rajeev Chandrasekhar adopts 30 animals and bird in Bannerghatta National Park.

- Deccan Herald & Prajavani
- 20th February 2012, Bengaluru

293 families of Shirabadagi village received keys to the newly built houses under Aasare, built by Rajeev Chandrasekhar Foundation.

- 25th October 2011, Bengaluru

Rajeev Chandrasekhar is among few MPs who utilized MPLADs funds successfully.

- Vijay Karnataka
- 23rd January 2012. Bengaluru

Time to commemorate the martyrs who gave up their today for our tomorrow.

- Udayavani
- 28th July 2011, Bengaluru
Published by and for copies of the Report Card, please contact:

Anand Vijayender
Principal: Public Affairs

Office f Rajeev Chandrasekhar,
Member of Parliament,
11th Floor, Vishveshwariah Towers (Major Towers)
Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Bengaluru – 560001.
Mobile: 9538812914, Email: