Rajeev Chandrasekhar's official website - Member of Parliament



Ministry of Environment and forests




TO BE ANSWERED ON 28.02.2008

  Green House Gas Emissions .



Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state:-

(a) Government’s policy/approach on the issue of Green House Gas emissions in our country; and

(b) the steps Government is taking to promote awareness of Global Warming in India and the measures Government is taking to reduce the Green House Gas emissions? 



(a) & (b) Even though India as a developing country does not have any mitigation commitments, nevertheless, a sustainable development path is being followed through a range of policies and programmes to mitigate climate change and reduce carbon emissions. Some of the steps taken by the Government include interalia:

(i) Setting up of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and encouraging energy conservation and introduction of energy efficiency labeling.
(ii) promoting use of renewable energy

(iii) power sector reforms and active renewable energy programme
(iv) use of cleaner and lesser carbon intensive fuel for transport
(v) fuel switching to cleaner energ

(vi) afforestation and conservation of forests
(vii) promotion of clean coal technologies

(viii) reduction of gas flarin
(ix) encouraging Mass Rapid Transport system
(x) environmental quality management for all sectors
The National Environment Policy 2006 of Ministry of Environment & Forests inter alia addresses the issue of global warming. The following comprise essential elements of India`s response to climate change:

a) Adherence to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities of different countries in respect of both mitigation of green house gases (GHGs), and adaptation measures.
b) Reliance on multilateral approaches, as opposed to bilateral or plurilateral or unilateral measures.
c) Equal per-capita entitlements of global environmental resources to all countries.
d) Over-riding priority of the right to development.
e) Identify key vulnerabilities of India to climate change, in particular impacts on water resources, forests, coastal areas, agriculture, and health.
f) Assess the need for adaptation to future climate change, and the scope for incorporating these in relevant programmes, including watershed management, coastal zone planning and regulation, forestry management, agricultural technologies and practices, and health programmes.
g) Encourage Indian Industry to participate in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) through capacity building for identifying and preparing CDM projects, including in the financial sector.
h) Participate in voluntary partnerships with other countries both developed and developing, to address the challenges of sustainable development and climate change, consistent with the provisions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Further, the Government has also set up “Expert Committee on Impacts of Climate Change” in May 2007 to study the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on India and to identify the measures that we may have to take in the future in relation to addressing vulnerability to anthropogenic climate change impacts.

A coordination committee chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister called “Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change to coordinate national action for assessment, adaptation and mitigation of climate change” was constituted on 6th June 2007. The focus of the Committee would be to:

i. Evolve a coordinated response to issues relating to climate change at the national level;
ii. Provide oversight for formulation of action plans in the area of assessment, adaptation and mitigation of climate change;
iii. Periodically monitor key policy decisions.
